Friday, September 21, 2012

Finally Friday!

This has been a long week but a good week all the same.  I have ran everyday and though the mileage is not up that high I feel the quality is there.  As a side note, I have started riding the bike on the trackstand a little bit each day to buffer the loss in miles while keeping the training volume albeit time-wise a bit higher.

And who knows.... the day may soon come where I have to really know or at least have to be ready to learn how to ride a bike for a very long time... maybe.

Melissa leaves tomorrow for two weeks or so of travel so we are going to Joseph's tonight for a last hoorah of sorts.  Bonus... SHE'S buying!  :)

When I picked my Jeep up on Wednesday, one of the guys at Predatory 4x4 asked me if I was going to run the race in Pueblo this weekend.  I looked into it and the Hot to Trot 5K looks pretty interesting.  It will be a nice shakeout run to give me an idea of what next weekend might look like for Fall Series One anyway.  Who knows, with my speed work of late and if I take it easy tomorrow it could go okay.

AND I got the final okay today to take some time off to travel to MD for Thanksgiving.  It will be good to go back there for a few days, see family and run in the Frederick Turkey Trot again... it's a very fast course. 

Another classic...   Have a great weekend!

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