Friday, October 1, 2010

More Goals...

I was talking to Melissa tonight about the "concept" of moving out of Colorado. We both pretty much agreed there would be too many things here that we would miss. The conversation reminded me of a time a few years ago where I seriously considered moving out of state. This was in 2006. As I contemplated that move, even then I knew that if I did it, I would NEVER get to do the Leadville 100.

It took me four years to get there but I finally did it this year. Even then in 2006 it seemed like an impossible goal, yet I eventually got there and it happened this year...

So past what I talked about last night... I am still kicking around the big "what's next?"

I have three ideas now... three more big goals... One is already in the cooker which is the San Juan Solstice next year. The other two... they could very well be a ways off yet. But on the bright side... both of those races are in Colorado as well.

It's nice to have something bigger on the horizon to look forward too, plot and scheme... my plans will be more clear come the first week of February. :)

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